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Trainer's Skill Development


Cognitive Behavior Therapy Trainer
Become an CBT Trainer

The goal of Cognitive Behavior Therapy training by Royal Macnas International Training & Coaching Academy is to teach people that while they cannot control every aspect of the world around them, they can take control of how they interpret and deal with things in their environment. This training has become increasingly popular in recent years with both mental health consumers and treatment professionals.One of the greatest benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy training is that it helps clients develop coping skills that can be useful both now and in the future.You're shown how to change these negative patterns to improve the way you feel.Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past.It looks for practical ways to improve your state of mind on a daily basis.

Everyone feels anxious sometimes. Anxiety serves as a means of protection and can increase your performance in stressful situations. For example, the rush of anxiety that often occurs before a job interview or a big race can enhance your performance. But for some people the feeling of anxiety is more general. This means that you always feel on alert or fearful no matter what activity you are doing. This can be extremely distressing and get in the way of your daily life. If your level of anxiety begins to interfere with your ability to function, it is important that you begin to learn some skills for coping with these anxious feelings. This is where CBT can help. It focuses on changing patterns of thinking and beliefs that are associated with, and trigger, anxiety.

The main focus of CBT is that thoughts, feelings and behavior combine to influence a person’s quality of life. For example, severe shyness in social situations (social phobia) may come from the person thinking that other people will always find them boring or stupid. This belief could cause the person to feel extremely anxious in social situations. Our CBT training aims to teach people that it is possible to have control over their thoughts, feelings and behavior. CBT helps the person to challenge and overcome automatic beliefs, and use practical strategies to change or modify their behaviour. The result is more positive feelings, which in turn lead to more positive thoughts and behavior. 

You can become certified in time proven Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help people increase their mental health and behaviour.


  • Increased self esteem
  • Increased positive attitude towards life
  • Better communication skills
  • Improvement of coping skills
  • Anger managementCreate a safe space for each person